
Russia in winter

Hi! Dear reader!!!

Hiroshi! How are you doing today?

Today I am going to tell you
about the weather in winter in Russia)

When you hear the word Russia, what images does it associate with?
Kind of Very cold and snowy country) 

It`s partly true. Especially, when we are talking about winter.
As a country with a huge territory the tempreature is defferent in different parts of Russia.


I like to imagine Russia as a cute bear, actually it devides into 7 big parts: Far-EastFederal District (pink, the paws of bear), Siberian Federal District (green,stomach of bear), Ural Federal District (orange, neck of bear), Northwestern Federal District (purple, the right side of the brain of bear), The South Federal District (yellow, the left side of the brain of bear), The Central Federal District
(the centre part of the brain of our bear), and the last one Privolzhskii Federal District I named it as the cerebellum-blue one.  
 ロシアの地図をよく見たら、クマに似ていませんか。ピンクのところは足で (Far Eastern Federal District)、緑色のところはおなかで (Siberian Federal District) オレンジ色のところはクマの首で (Ural Federal District) 紫の色のところは脳の右側で (Northwestern Federal District-St.Petesburg) 黄色のところは脳の左側 (South Federal District)その真ん中のところでは (Central Federal District, Moscow)そして最後の青いところの部分は小脳と呼ばれまして (Privolzhskii Federal District)です。すべては大きく分かれているロシアの7つの管区になります。 

For examle, in the city Sochi (where the Olympic games will host in 2013),that is in the South Federal District the weather is fine today, +15 °C, tomorrow will be +20 °C, but

例えば、2013年に行うオリンピックゲームソチ市 (South Federal District of Russia)できょうの天気はよくて、+15 °C、明日+20 °Cになるそうです。

at the same time:


in the city Verkhoyansk, that is in the Far-Eastern District, Yakutia region,  the tempreature will be -28 °C tonight.


ベルホヤンスク市 (Far-Eastern Federal District, Yakutia)

寒いです、-28 °Cになるそうです。

It is the coldest city in Russia. The lowest tempertaure was noted 70 degrees below zero.

ロシアで一番寒い街を思われます。最低気温は-70 °Cでしたそうです。ずっと冬考えてもいいと思います。





In such cold area of Russia, the snow falls in the beginning of  September and melts only in June.


In other part of Russia where the temprature is not so low, the snow begin to fall in the end of November and melts in the middle of March.



Russians like winter as we can enjoy in wearing beautiful winter clothes such as fur coats and so on. Also we play snowballs, that is very funny.



I remember as one of my japanese friends told me that he was going to Russia during his winter holidays. I was wondered and asked him: "Why do you go to Russia, it is so cold now" 

He answered to me: "There is no cold when you are with your friends".


I wish more and more people of different countries could become a friend. 





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